Film screenings
Tower Theatre
815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, CA 93728
Sept 29 - Oct 1: Festival Films
Fresno City College Performing Arts Theatre & Yokuts Plaza
1101 E University Ave, Fresno, CA 93741
Sept 29: Youth Film Series
Sept 30 & Oct 1: Festival Films
ViSTA Theater
1296 N Wishon Ave, Fresno, CA 93728
Sept 30 & Oct 1: Festival Films
Event locations
Fresno Art Museum
233 N First St, Fresno, CA 93703
Sept 15: Director's Preview Party
Tower Theatre Lounge (Adjacent to the Tower Theatre) 1211 N Wishon Ave, Fresno, CA 93728
Sept 29 - Oct 1: Fundraiser Bar Sept 30: Harness Night: Leather, Lace, & Gogos
Splash Video Dance Bar
644 E Olive Ave, Fresno, CA 93728 Sept 30 and Sept 31: After Party
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